Climate & Sustainable Food Resources


Mississauga, Canada

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Home: BriCASFR Focuses on Climate & Sustainable Food Resources

BriCASFR provides knowledge, education, and online courses about the resources critical for food production and the impacts of climate change on these resources.

Mitigation areas include net zero to net negative emissions, renewable energy, carbon sequestration, digital transformations, adaptation planning, and modelling tools.

Sustainability areas include urgent implementation of circular economy principles, nature-based solutions, regenerative processes, sustainable actions, climate risk reporting, and ESG reporting…

BriCASFR provides education materials, online courses and videos on Climate & Sustainable Food Resources.

About BriCASFR Focus Learn Climate & Sustainable Food Resources
BriCASFR Focuses on Climate & Sustainable Food Resources

Online Educational Resources

Our online Educational Resources start with our Natural Resources. Natural resources are important for crop production include favorable temperatures, sufficient rainfall, ecosystem services, biodiversity and genetic diversity, and nutrient rich soils.

However, increasing atmospheric greenhouse concentrations, climate change, extreme weather events, decreasing biodiversity, and degrading soils are impacting food production.

Moreover, conversion of prime agricultural lands to urban sprawl further impacts food security.

And in response, various sustainability initiatives are needed. Examples of these initiatives include implementing climate mitigation actions, advancing digital transformations, using regenerative agriculture practices, adopting circular economy principles, and using modelling tools for tracking and projecting outcomes.

In summary, our education resources focus on a better understanding of our climate and sustainable food resource

For more information on climate impacts, please refer to IPCC.

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