Climate & Sustainable Food Resources


Mississauga, Canada

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Renewable Energy for Climate Mitigation

Renewable energy for climate mitigation sources include solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, hydroelectric, wind, geothermal, tidal waves, biomass…

Adopting Renewable Energy

Other areas to advance adoption of renewable energy systems include:

  1. Adopt clean renewable energy sources
  2. Implement multiple energy conservation and efficiency initiatives…
  3. Adopt emerging battery storage technologies…
Mitigation Renewable Energy Adopting
Mitigation Renewable Energy Adopting

Electrify Nearly Everything

Numerous initiatives are underway to replace fossil fuel energy sources with clean renewable energy sources. 

A notable portion of the energy generated from fossil fuels is wasted as heat. In addition, energy waste occurs along the value chain from extraction to distribution lines to consumption.

Electrifying and powering with clean renewable energy is more efficient…

…And helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

With renewable energy there is much less waste because renewables convert energy to electricity more efficiently.

Green Hydrogen - A Potential Alternate Clean Energy Fuel

Green Hydrogen is a hydrogen fuel that is created using renewable energy rather than fossil energy.

The electrolysis process employs an electric current to split water into hydrogen and oxygen in an electrolyzer. The electricity is produced by renewable power, such as solar or wind. The result is a pollutant-free hydrogen, with its only by-product being water.

In contrast, grey hydrogen is produced using a fossil-based energy source. Where methane is used, greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere.

The term blue hydrogen is used when the emissions are captured and stored underground, thereby not having the same climate change impact as grey hydrogen.

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