Climate & Sustainable Food Resources


Mississauga, Canada

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Temperature Increases and Food Production Impacts

Temperature increases and food production impacts result from adverse effects on ecosystem services, biodiversity, pollination, soils….

These impacts need to be monitored, managed, and minimized. 

Increasing GHG Concentrations Result in Increasing Global Temperatures

Increasing atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations are scientifically linked to increasing global temperatures.

Global temperatures have increased by around 1o Celsius since pre-industrial times. We have just had the warmest 5 years and the warmest decade on record.

In 2020, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) reported that the annual average global temperature is likely to be at least 1o Celsius above pre-industrial levels in each of the next five years. There is a 20% chance that the temperature will exceed 1.5 o Celsius in at least one year between 2020 and 2024 (Based on 2020 Global Annual to Decadal Climate update carried out by the multiple Climate Prediction Centres led by the UK’s Met Office).

The earlier Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) in the IPCC 5th Assessment Report (AR5) improved our understanding of climate systems.

The CMIP6 projections to be presented in the upcoming IPCC 6th Assessment Report (AR6) will again improve our understanding of future climate scenarios.

Impacts Increasing Temperatures from Increasing GHG Emissions
Impacts Increasing Temperatures from Increasing GHG Emissions

Temperature Increases and Food Production Impacts

So, increasing temperatures are impacting ecosystems, biodiversity, pollination, phenology, pests and disease.

And changing temperatures impact plant – soil microorganisms and soil microbe to microbe relationships. In addition, increasing carbon dioxide levels may impact the nutrition levels in food.

Further, increasing temperatures above crop-specific levels impact crop production, yields, profitability, and food security.

For more information, please refer to Education.

Impacts of Climate Change on Crop Production - Where Else?
Impacts of Climate Change on Crop Production - Where Else?


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